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Banking for Kids- How to Teach Children the Importance of Savings and Investments

Written by Ashley Balch | July 8, 2022

When it comes to money, children need to be taught the value of a dollar at an early age. It may seem like a daunting task, but with a little guidance and patience, parents can help their children create healthy financial habits that will last a lifetime. In this post, we'll discuss some tips for teaching your kids about banking and money management. We'll also provide some helpful resources for further reading. Let's get started!


  1. Why is it important to start teaching kids about banking early?

One of the most important life skills a child can learn is how to earn, save and invest money. Doing so at an early age will give them a head start on their financial future. Here are a few reasons why it's important to start teaching kids about banking early: 

  • Giving children an allowance for chores and allowing teens to have a part-time job teaches them the value of hard work and earning their own money.
  • Giving your child a savings account teaches them to save money.
  • Teaching your child to invest teaches them to take risks and be rewarded for their efforts.
  • Teaching your child about banking helps them understand the financial world at an early age.
  • The earlier you start, the more likely your child is to continue saving and investing as they get older.


  1. What are some ways to get kids interested in banking?

There are a few different ways to get kids interested in banking. One way is to start early, when they're young. Open a savings account for your child and make regular deposits. Giving your child an allowance for chores lets them have hands-on experience with money. At the same time, they’ll also gain a sense of accomplishment and financial responsibility. Establish a set of loose rules, like how much they’ll earn, what they have to do to earn their allowance, and when you plan to give it to them. This sets clear expectations and can motivate your child. Then, your child can earn and spend their own money. Give them opportunities to choose what they want to spend their money on, and talk them through what they should consider. 


  1. What are the different types of accounts that kids can open?

There are a variety of different accounts that kids can open. Savings accounts, for instance, are a great place to start. They allow your child to save money over time and watch it grow. Plus, kids can learn how to use a checking account to pay bills, make deposits and withdrawals, and more. Bank Independent offers special accounts for young people, such as the Essential Student Checking and Savings Accounts, which comes with a secure debit card and free digital banking tools. Talk to one of our Sales Officers about the options available to you and your child.


  1. How can parents teach their kids about responsible spending?

Every family has a different way of living. Be honest with your child about what your family can afford and what you can’t. Discuss what might be worth saving up for and what isn’t a good investment.  It can be tricky for kids to understand why they have more or less than their peers. Honesty can help build a strong financial education for children to understand what it means to live within your means. It can also help them understand budgeting and be mindful of where their money is going.  In line with affordability, you can also talk to your child about debt. Explain what it means to have credit cards and loans. Share with them that debt is common, but too much debt can be difficult to manage and have a negative long-term impact. 


  1. What are some long-term benefits of teaching kids about banking?

When it comes to teaching financial literacy to children, there are plenty of long-term benefits. The earlier children learn about banking, the more likely they are to develop responsible spending and saving habits. This can set them up for a lifetime of financial stability and security. Teaching kids about compound interest is also a great way to help them understand the power of saving and investing early on. With the right tools and education, children can become financially savvy adults and make sound investments for their future.


It’s never too early to start teaching your kids about the importance of earnings, savings and investments. By starting early, you can help them form good banking habits that will benefit them for years to come. Help your kids open a checking or savings account, and teach them how to save for short- and long-term goals. You can also help them learn about responsible spending, and how to make good financial decisions. The benefits of teaching kids about banking are limitless – so start today!