Are you considering moving your money to a different financial institution? There may be many reasons why. Perhaps you just took a new job that will require you to move across the country. Maybe your current bank is closing the location nearest you or merging with another, leading you to rethink your banking relationship altogether. Or, it could be something as simple as wanting more online and mobile access not offered by your current bank. Whether for a career move or a search for more satisfactory levels of service, switching banks comes with a multitude of factors to consider if you want a smooth transition.
In a world driven by speed and convenience, it’s no surprise that Bank Independent is merging digital and personal banking to better assist customers’ needs. Digital banking empowers you to manage your finances on your time from the comfort of your home or on the plane to your next vacation destination. With this in mind, what are the real advantages of choosing digital banking?
Vacations, emergency road trips, out of town holiday plans. These are experiences we each go through at some point in time. Your life isn’t tied to one location, so why should your finances be? From Florence, Alabama, to Florence, Italy, our Digital Sales Office can take care of your banking needs.
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