While many consumers may have had one banking relationship in the past, surveys show that the average American now has 5.3 accounts open across all types of financial institutions. So, you might have a checking, savings, and possibly a credit card with your primary bank. You may also have opened an account associated with work, school or due to a prior move.
Not everyone is a pet lover, but if you are, your pet probably plays a significant role in your happiness and wellbeing. It’s also your responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of your pet.
Imposter scams occur when criminals pretend to be someone you know and trust, such as a government agency, a financial institution or even a friend or family member. According to the Federal Trade Commission, imposter scams are on the rise. There is an increased likelihood that you will be contacted by an imposter, however, with a little education and prevention, you can keep from becoming a victim.
Today’s technology allows us to connect around the world, to bank and shop online, and to control our televisions, homes, and cars from our smartphones. These activities require you to provide personally identifiable information (PII) such as your name, date of birth, account numbers, passwords, and location information. With the added convenience of these digital tools comes an increased risk of identity theft and Internet scams. #BeCyberSmart when sharing personal information online to reduce the risk of becoming a cybercrime victim.
Times of crisis can bring out the best in people. Communities step up to take care of one another’s needs, resources are pooled, and good things get done. Unfortunately, times of crisis can also bring out the worst in some people. Criminals and unscrupulous people use situations like the current Coronavirus crisis to take advantage of their victims.
The US government passed a $2 trillion bill designed to provide immediate relief to Americans due to the Coronavirus impact on the economy. Among many provisions, the bill allocates money directly to individuals through a stimulus payment.
Although the housing market in our country has a relatively steady rhythm throughout the year, Spring is typically the time referred to as Home Buying Season. Winter months, the holidays and inclement winter weather make homeowners reticent to open their homes to prospective buyers. Better weather signals opportunities for home improvements, home inspections and home repairs. School age children are wrapping up the school year leaving the summer months an ideal time to move in and out of housing.
Social Media platforms have revolutionized the ways in which people, organizations and businesses are connected. Keeping a personal or business social media presence is the equivalent of having an electronic front porch and inviting others to visit. In general, we look forward to friends and customers stopping by and sharing interactions with us. There is a sense of connectedness even when we are miles apart.
Shelter Share is an annual drive through Bank Independent’s Helping Hands initiatives. The aim of Shelter Share is to provide much needed assistance to local animal shelters in donations of supplies and funds, as well as, volunteer support. For three weeks during February, Bank Independent will be accepting donations at all locations.
Whether you are an early bird or a last-minute filer, there is no denying we are firmly into Tax Season. As we reconcile another year of earnings and income, the Federal Trade Commission and the Internal Revenue Service would like to draw attention to an ever-present concern – Tax Identity Theft.