Family, friends, our health, a roof over our heads and a meal on our's not difficult to come up with reasons we are thankful this holiday season. At Bank Independent, our Helping Hands program reminds us throughout the year of not only these blessings, but also those in our community who may not share them.
Sharing Joy During the Holiday Season: The Gift That Keeps on Giving.
I must admit I am ready for Christmas music.
Three Reasons to Visit the Oakville Indian Mounds in Lawrence County, Alabama
Speaking for those of us who have lived in north Alabama for most or all of our lives, I think that sometimes we may take for granted the incredible treasures that make our area a destination for visitors.
Going to school out of state and having a lot of small town passion, I never miss an opportunity to interject a fun fact about my hometown in a conversation. “Did you know that Tuscumbia is the birthplace of Helen Keller?” or “Oh! This song was recorded in Muscle Shoals!” People ask me where I got the cute top I am wearing, and I say it’s from a local shop in my hometown.
Animal shelters have been quite the controversial subject in northwest Alabama in recent years. Across our six counties newspaper headlines and social media posts have amplified the voices of animal advocates of all kinds who are passionately fighting for funding, facilities and support for the shelters...some of which are struggling to remain viable with the limited resources they are allotted. Most shelters rely upon community donations and support from volunteer groups and rescue organization to assist them with supplies and services and to help find homes for our furry friends. And although volunteer groups, shelter staff, and rescue organizations may disagree from time to time, when it comes right down to it, they are all working toward the same goal: to save the animals.
The pre-Christmas tornado outbreak that ravaged our neighboring communities in Mississippi and Tennessee inevitably brought back memories of April 27, 2011 and the storms that changed the lives of so many in Franklin, Lawrence and Limestone Counties. In the midst of the devastation, events like these tend to bring out the best in so many folks.
You know when you call Bank Independent's Customer Service team you're greeted with a kind and friendly, "Welcome home to Bank Independent. How may I direct your call?" That lovely voice you hear is our Switchboard Operator Elizabeth. She's been part of our team for many years (I'm not sure that she'd want me to tell you just HOW MANY years...). Elizabeth is a great supporter of our Toy Share drive.
If you're anything like me, when your HR department sends out information on the annual United Way campaign, you dutifully fill out your three-part form, turn it in before the deadline, and go on about your day. After all, since donations are spread across an entire year of pay periods, it's one of those things you just set and forget.